Saturday 3 May 2014

From The Painting Table #12

Here we go again with another collection of newly painted minis for your perusal.

Starting with this classic Dwarf Lord min for Warhammer fantasy.  Covered in Runic Gromril armour this is one tough cookie.

Next up we have these three objective markers to use with my 40K space marine army.  I believe they were originally from the 3rd ed boxed set, although I got these with some other bits off ebay.  The little side coils were painted with boltgun metal, like the rest of the piece and the given a thin coat of blue wash, it's not something that I've tried before, and I'm quite pleased with the final effect.

Moving away from GW and to Mantic games now and another merc for deadzone.  This time the kickstarter exclusive Project Oberon.  Project Oberon belong to the species 'the nameless' who are among my favourite races in the warpath universe, hopefully we'll see a few more of them in deadzone at some point.

Onto flames of war now with this Soviet T34/85 obr 1943 from Battlefront.

And finally this German Sd.Kfz.22 armoured car from Zvezda's art of tactics range that I will also use for flames of war.  I've bought a few kits from the art of tactics range over the last few months and although this is the smallest of those it was also the biggest pain to build.  This was clearly due to the difficulties due to the shape of the vehicle, but I wouldn't advise just 'snap-fitting' this together like they suggest is possible.  With a little work however you can get a good result out of this cheap little kit.


  1. excellent work on the dwarves and good idea to use as (well painted!) markers those strange bits ! (I've one too lost somewhere in a box ... found in a lot on ebay) .
    Good work too on the "war-machines" !

    1. Thanks for the nice words, as always. I always try to model actual objectives where possible, fighting over a card token doesn't feel quite right somehow.

  2. Nice work, and a diverse range too. Are the Zvezda kits worth it, or is it a case of getting what you pay for? Cheers, Paul.

    1. both to be honest, they are the cheapest kits on the market and importantly come singly, though quality isn't as good as battlefront or plastic soldier company.

  3. Tremendous additions to the collation Keith.

  4. What a mix of toy's, must be fun working on so many different things at the same time.

    The blue wash really made the difference on those coils


    1. It is fun, but it does mean I never really seem to finish anything.

  5. Nicely done on all of these, I've been trying to hunt down those 40k power thingies myself. ;-)

    1. I was lucky I wasn't even expecting to get them, but they came in a box with some space marine bits I bought of eBay.


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